Toy Fair Visitor Rules and Regulations


The British Toy and Hobby Association (BTHA) has adopted these Rules and Regulations that will apply to Visitors (“Visitor Rules and Regulations“).  Please carefully read these Visitor Rules and Regulations, as they apply to any/all Visitors’ entry to any/all Exhibitions.  The BTHA may at any time, at its discretion, amend, modify, or withdraw any Visitor Rules and Regulations.

In registering for, or accepting the offer of attendance to, the Exhibition, Visitors agree that they will observe and comply with these Visitor Rules and Regulations, copies of which are provided to Visitors at the time of registration for the Exhibition, and also available at:

The BTHA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse admittance to any Visitor or to require any Visitor to leave if, in the BTHA’s opinion, the Visitor’s behaviour is in breach of these Visitor Rules and Regulations or contravenes applicable laws or regulations.  The BTHA’s opinion is final in this regard.

  1. Definitions

In these Visitor Rules and Regulations, the definitions set out in this section shall apply.

BTHA” – the British Toy & Hobby Association Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 388895, whose registered office is at 142-144 Long Lane, London, SE1 4BS.
Exhibition” – the exhibition(s) organised by the BTHA, including (but not limited to) The Toy Fair.
Exhibitor” means the person(s) whose application to exhibit at the Exhibition has been accepted by the BTHA.

Visitor” means the person(s) attending the Exhibition over the age of 16: (i) strictly in the course of business/trade (who does not knowingly during the course of his/her business stock or sell counterfeit or unsafe goods/products through their retail operations/activities), or (ii) as a member of the press/media.

Reference to a “person” includes any individual, sole trader, body corporate, association, partnership, organisation or any other entity.

  1. Visitor Conduct

Visitors will not do, or permit to be done, any action which:

  • causes, or may cause, any disturbance, nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, damage or danger to any person or thing,
  • (in the opinion of the BTHA) comprises of abusive and/or unacceptable behaviour;
  • does not conform to the general standards of the Exhibition; or
  • constitutes a breach of these Visitor Rules and Regulations.

The overall objective of Exhibitions is to assist with lead generation for Exhibitors.  As such, while Visitors may make orders for the purchase of Exhibitors products/goods in future, Visitors will not be entitled to request and/or make demands to purchase Exhibitors’ products/goods directly from Exhibitors at the time of the Exhibition.

Visitors understand that there are Exhibitor stands at the Exhibition that are closed, and which can only be accessed via appointment or invitation.  This means that Visitors are not guaranteed access to all Exhibitor stands.  Visitors should therefore contact Exhibitors in advance to avoid disappointment on site.

  1. Product and stand drops

Visitors will not bring product into the Exhibition halls or leave any unauthorised marketing leaflets/materials and/or products/goods on Exhibitors’ stands which includes (but is not limited to) any marketing documentation (of any form) and/or products/goods relating to the Visitor’s own or another third party’s (excluding any Exhibitor’s) business.

  1. Bag Searches and Security Screening

    Bag searches and security screening may be required for all Visitors that wish to enter the Exhibition, and may include searches and screening of all bags, equipment and belongings.

Visitors acknowledge and agree that, at the discretion of the BTHA and/or Exhibition staff (as applicable), the BTHA and/or Exhibition staff may not admit certain Visitor bags, equipment and/or belongings into the Exhibition.

  1. Unauthorised Recordings/Photography

Visitors (excluding members of the press registered with a media badge) shall not record images in any form while attending the Exhibition without the BTHA’s, Exhibition staff and/or Exhibitor’s (as applicable) consent.  Such prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the taking of photographs, video or digital recording of any type whatsoever (including via mobile phones).

Visitors acknowledge and agree that the BTHA may take photographs/videos which could include images of Visitors attending the Exhibition. Visitors hereby consent, and grant, to the BTHA, the unrestricted, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free and transferable right and license to use such images worldwide without any compensation. Visitors acknowledge that BTHA are the exclusive owner of all rights in such images and hereby waive (a) any and all rights in and to them, and (b) any and all claims Visitors may have relating to or arising from BTHA’s use of them.

  1. BTHA Privacy Policy

The BTHA respects the privacy of Visitors and takes data protection and privacy responsibilities seriously. For information about BTHA’s use of Visitors personal data, please refer to BTHA’s privacy policy at:

  1. Visitor Kids Policy

An Exhibition is a strictly trade-only event and is restricted by health and safety regulations. In light of this, children between the ages of 5 and 16 are not permitted entry to Exhibitions, except in certain restricted circumstances.  For further details about the BTHA’s Visitor Kids Policy, please refer to:

  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Visitor’s Rules and Regulations shall be governed by English law and Visitors agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

  1. COVID-19

Toy Fair follows the Government’s and industry guidelines and regulations. There are currently no formal restrictions or requirements relating to COVID-19 at Toy Fair 2025.
Please note however that rules relating to COVID-19 may change at any time in line with government guidance and hence affect the format and rules of the show. All information currently displayed is therefore subject to change.